For Time
2000 meters
Video Details:
The video starts with the competitor stating his first and last name along with the division he or she is in. The monitor must be set at the 2000 m mark on the Concept 2 Rowing Machine ONLY, with the wind wheel completely still. The damper can be set anywhere the athlete wishes but CANNOT be changed within the workout.
Workout Breakdown:
This is a For Time workout. At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete who is already seated in the rower, must complete the total distance to be eligible for a score. The camera must ALWAYS have the athlete in view along with the rowing monitor and a time frame.
The recording ends ONLY when the distance is at 0 meters shown clearly in the camera.
To get the verification code for a piece:
AMRAP 14 Minutes (As Many Reps As Possible)
Video Details:
The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in. Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted below depending on his or her division.
The Athlete must first measure
Movement Specifics:
Workout Break down:
This is an AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) for 14 minutes. At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete begins the workout with the timer in reverse, from 14:00 to 0:00. The athlete must complete the total reps of each of the above movements before moving to the next movement starting with the Bar Muscle Ups. Once Every rep is completed, only then can the athlete move to the next movement. Once every movement is completed, the athlete starts each movement from the beginning until the timer shows 00:00.
The recording ends ONLY when the timer shows 0:00 and an additional 5 seconds are shown.
For the HandStand Walk, the 30 meters are equal to 12 points as every increment of 2.5 meters is one rep.
RX Divisions: Elite Men and Women and 35-39 Masters Men and Women
Scaled Divisions: Men and women of Teens, 40-45, 46-50, 50+
For Time
Video Details:
The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in. Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted below depending on his or her division. All views of the camera are at a 45 degree angle to show complete movement and movement specifications.
The athlete must measure 10 cm from the top of his or her extended arms to ANY object for the Burpee to Target.
Movement Specifics:
Workout Breakdown:
This is a For Time workout. At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete who is standing tall and extended begins with the Air Squats. Once the total number of reps is met, then only can the athlete move to the next movement. Once the total reps of the last movement are completed, the camera must keep rolling to show the exact time. The camera must ALWAYS have the athlete and the time in the frame of the video recording. Full extension of EACH movement must be clear at all times. Set the timer @ 00:00 and count up.
For Total Time
Rest 3 Minutes
Video Details:
The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in. Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted below depending on his or her division. All views of the camera are at a 45 degree angle to show complete movement and movement specifications.
The plyo box must measure 60 cm * 50 * 70 for the Men and women. The Men’s workout needs to set the tall side at 60 cm and in the women’s workout, the tall side must measure at 50 cm. The medicine Ball weight for the men is 9 kgs whereas for the women it must weigh in at 6 kgs. The height of the Wall Ball Shot for the men is 3.05 m and the women 2.75 m. The dumbbell must be clearly shown with the exact weight for each category. All weights and barbells must be shown in the video. Every equipment measured must remain within the video at all times.
Movement Specifics:
Workout Breakdown:
This is a for time workout. At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete who is standing above or near the medicine ball must perform the exact number of reps required before moving to the next movement. Once the total number of reps are completed, only then can the athlete move to the next movement. This is a two piece workout with a MANDATORY rest period once the first piece is completed. The workout is for time, meaning the total minutes and seconds required with the rest period will be the score. Once the total reps of the last movement of the second piece are completed, the camera must keep rolling to show the exact time. The camera must ALWAYS have the athlete and the time in the frame of the video recording. The timer must start @ 00:00.
In a 15-minute Window Find the Total Max Weight for both Snatch and Clean n' Jerk. Athletes have three attempts for each movement. Athletes must start with Snatch and finish with Clean n' Jerk.
Video Details:
The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in. Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted. All views of the camera are at a 45 degree angle to show complete movement and movement specifications.
With the Start of the video the athlete must have a SCALE available. Every weight that will be placed on the barbell must be weighted along with the Barbell and CLEARLY shown in the video. The athlete must ALSO weigh himself in the event of a tie break.
Movement Specifics:
Workout Breakdown:
This workout is for Max total weight lifted. At the 3, 2, 1 GO, the athlete begins with an empty barbell and starts loading it. Before EACH lift the athlete must state the exact weight on the barbell το the camera. The athlete has three attempts for the Snatch and three for the Clean and Jerk. From the Snatch to the Clean, the athlete must CLEAR the barbell and start with an empty barbell. The time frame can be broken down as needed to complete the workout. The score is the weight lifted and successfully held overhead of both movements in total (snatch weight + clean and jerk weight).
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