Greek Throwdown 2021 Online

VIRTUAL * 14/06/21 - 31/07/21

Finals - Teenage Boys - Rowing

Workout Details


For Time

2000 meters

Workout Notes

Video Details:

The video starts with the competitor stating his first and last name along with the division he or she is in.  The monitor must be set at the 2000 m mark on the Concept 2 Rowing Machine ONLY, with the wind wheel completely still.  The damper can be set anywhere the athlete wishes but CANNOT be changed within the workout.

Workout Breakdown:

This is a For Time workout.  At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete who is already seated in the rower, must complete the total distance to be eligible for a score.  The camera must ALWAYS have the athlete in view along with the rowing monitor and a time frame.

The recording ends ONLY when the distance is at 0 meters shown clearly in the camera.

To get the verification code for a piece:

  1. Ensure your PM is running the latest firmware.
  2. Ensure the date and time on your PM is accurate - the same as the date of the video.
  3. Take care when setting up your workout, and complete your piece.
  4. After you have completed your piece, select (View Detail) for the piece.
    • If you are using a LogCard or USB flash drive, go to LogCard Menu or USB Logbook > List By Date and select the magnifying glass icon for the workout you want to view.
    • If you are not using a LogCard, go to Main Menu > More Options > Memory and select the magnifying glass icon for the workout you want to view.
  5. On the View Detail screen, for PM5s running the latest firmware the fourth gray button on the right has a V symbol in a circle. Press this button once. On PM5s running older firmware, or on PM3s and PM4s, the fourth gray button on the right has no action associated with it. Press this button twice. The 16-digit verification code will be displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the monitor.


Finals - Teenage Boys - Gymnastics

Workout Details

AMRAP 14 Minutes (As Many Reps As Possible)

  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 24 Narrow Stance Air Squats
  • 10 Hand Stand Push Ups
  • 24 Box Jumps @ 60/50 cm
  • 12 Wall Walks

Workout Notes

Video Details:

The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in.  Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted below depending on his or her division.


The Athlete must first measure

  • The Plyo box, as noted Per division
  • The Hand Stand Walk per 2.5 m increments of 10 m end points
  • The HAND Stand Push Up “box space” has to be measured @ 60 cm * 90 cm for all divisions.  
  • The Wall Walks for the Scaled divisions, there must be a clear “end zone” marked which is 25 cm from the wall
  • The Pads for the HandStand Push Up Scaled Division

Movement Specifics:

  • Bar muscle-ups
    • The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
    • Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted.
    • No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip.
    • The rep is credited when the athlete’s arms are fully locked out in the support position above the bar, with shoulders over or slightly in front of the bar.
    • The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar.
    • Only the hands, and no other part of the arm, may touch the bar during the rep.
    • Removing the hands and resting in the support position is not allowed.
  • Pull Ups
    • The athlete must start each rep with their arms fully extended and their feet off the ground.
    • Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the other requirements are met.
    • The rep is credited when the athlete’s chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone.
    • Wrapping tape around the pull-up bar or wearing hand protection (gymnastics-style grips, gloves, etc.) is permitted, but taping the bar AND wearing hand protection is not.
  • Alternate Pistols
    • At the Start and finish of each rep the leg from the ankle, knee and hip must reach full extension
    • The not working leg must always remain in front of the body - holding it with the arms is allowed
    • The hip must pass the 90 degree angle of the hip crease
    • Both legs must be working alternatively
    • Nothing except the bottom of the foot can touch the ground
  • Narrow Stance Air Squats
    • This is your standard air squat with the feet connected 
    • With the athlete starting in a fully extended position
    • Hips knees extended
    • They will pass through a full squat with hip crease below the knee and stand back up into a fully extended position.
    • The Position has to clearly show the feet connected
  • HSPU / Elevated
    • The arms must be fully extended and in line with the body before the athlete can descend.
    • Each rep begins and ends with the athlete in the lockout position with the heels against the wall, arms fully extended and shoulders in line with the body.
    • The hands must remain inside the 40-by-24-inch box.
    • If any part of the hand, including any part of the fingers, touches the tape line at any time, the repetition will not count. The athlete will need to start again from the lockout position
    • At the bottom, the head must make contact with the ground.
    • If the head and hands are on different surfaces, the surfaces must be level (i.e., if the hands are on plates and there is a pad under the head, the top of the pad must be level with the top of the plates).
    • The feet do not need to remain in contact with the wall for the duration of the movement, but the feet must return to the wall at the beginning and end of each rep.
    • The feet may be no wider than the width of the hands.
    • The rep is credited when the athlete returns to the lockout position with the heels on the wall; arms, hips and legs fully extended; and shoulders in line with the body.
    • Kipping is NOT allowed during the first triplet. Any repetition that is assisted by the hips or legs will not count. Only the heels may touch the wall during the repetition.
    • Kipping IS allowed ONLY for the Scaled Divisions
  • Box Jumps @ 60/50 cm
    • Start with both feet on the ground and face the side of the box.
    • Do NOT angle the box and jump or step up on the corner.
    • Jumping onto the box is permitted and jumping off or stepping down off the box is permitted.
    • Only the feet may make contact with the box
    • Using hands to push into the legs during the step-up is not allowed.
    • The rep is credited when: - Both feet are on top of the box. - Hips and knees are fully extended, with head and shoulders over the hips.
    • Reaching extension in midair is a no rep.
  • Hand Stand Walk
    • Kick Up Behind the Marked line
    • Both Palms and feet must be Vertical before crossing the line
    • The rep is only counted when both the palms of the hands and the feet cross the line
  • 12 Wall the Walks
    • With the athlete lying down, chest and thighs touching the ground, legs fully extended, and feet together and touching the wall, mark a tape line at the top of the athlete’s shoulder.
    • The edge of the tape that is closest to the wall must be in line with the shoulder.
    • This first line will be the start and finish line for each repetition.
    • Tape a second line that leaves 10 inches of space between the tape’s far edge and the wall.
    • Every rep begins and ends with the athlete lying down, with their chest, feet, and thighs touching the ground.
    • At the start and finish of each rep, both hands must touch the first tape line (fingers touching is OK).
    • Both feet must be touching the ground at the beginning and end of each rep.
    • Both hands must remain on the tape until both feet are on the wall and no longer touching the ground.

Workout Break down:

This is an AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) for 14 minutes.  At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete begins the workout with the timer in reverse, from 14:00 to 0:00.  The athlete must complete the total reps of each of the above movements before moving to the next movement starting with the Bar Muscle Ups.  Once Every rep is completed, only then can the athlete move to the next movement.  Once every movement is completed, the athlete starts each movement from the beginning until the timer shows 00:00.

The recording ends ONLY when the timer shows 0:00 and an additional 5 seconds are shown.

For the HandStand Walk, the 30 meters are equal to 12 points as every increment of 2.5 meters is one rep.

RX Divisions:  Elite Men and Women and 35-39 Masters Men and Women 

Scaled Divisions:  Men and women of Teens, 40-45, 46-50, 50+

Finals - Teenage Boys - Bodyweight

Workout Details

For Time

  • 200 Air Squats
  • 75 Push-Ups
  • 100 Alternate Lunges
  • 75 Burpees to Target

Workout Notes

Video Details:

The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in.  Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted below depending on his or her division.  All views of the camera are at a 45 degree angle to show complete movement and movement specifications.


The athlete must measure 10 cm from the top of his or her extended arms to ANY object for the Burpee to Target.

Movement Specifics:


  • Air Squats


      • Start with the body in full extension
      • The rep counts only when the hip crease is lower than the top of the knee
      • At full extension, or the top position the ankle, knee, hip and shoulders must be clearly in line or in the vertical plane.


  • Push Up


      • The rep begins with the athlete in the plank position, or the top position in line.
      • The Arms bend and the chest AND quads must touch the floor
      • The rep is completed only when the arms reach full extension once again


  • Alternate Lunges


      • The rep beings with the athlete standing in a vertically straight line
      • The foot must move forward and a clear bend at the knee at a right angle with the opposite knee touching the ground.
      • A rep is counted only when the athlete returns to the vertical plane


  • Burpees


    • From a standing position the athlete must reach the ground in without stepping down
    • The Chest and thighs must touch the ground
    • Once the athlete returns to the top or vertical position, a clear clap must be made OVERHEAD with the arms and a simultaneous jump to complete the rep
    • Stepping and/or jumping back to the starting position are both permitted.
  • Vest - For the elite and 35 age group - weigh the vest and show it in the camera.

Workout Breakdown:  

This is a For Time workout.  At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete who is standing tall and extended begins with the Air Squats.  Once the total number of reps is met, then only can the athlete move to the next movement.  Once the total reps of the last movement are completed, the camera must keep rolling to show the exact time.  The camera must ALWAYS have the athlete and the time in the frame of the video recording.  Full extension of EACH movement must be clear at all times.  Set the timer @ 00:00 and count up.

Finals - Teenage Boys - CrossFit

Workout Details

For Total Time

  • 60 Wall Ball Shots @ 9 kgs
  • 30 Burpees Facing Over the Box @ 60 cm
  • 50 Single Arm Alternate Dumbbell Snatch @ 15 kgs
  • 20 Burpees Facing Over the Box @ 60 cm
  • 40 Deadlift @ 85 kgs
  • 10 Burpee Facing Over the Box

Rest 3 Minutes

  • 20 Snatch @ 45 kgs
  • 150 Double Unders
  • 20 Ring Pull-Ups
  • 150 Double Unders
  • 20 Thrusters @ 45 kgs
  • 150 Double Unders

Workout Notes

Video Details:

The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in.  Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted below depending on his or her division.  All views of the camera are at a 45 degree angle to show complete movement and movement specifications.



The plyo box must measure 60 cm * 50 * 70 for the Men and women.  The Men’s workout needs to set the tall side at 60 cm and in the women’s workout, the tall side must measure at 50 cm.  The medicine Ball weight for the men is 9 kgs whereas for the women it must weigh in at 6 kgs.  The height of the Wall Ball Shot for the men is 3.05 m and the women 2.75 m.  The dumbbell must be clearly shown with the exact weight for each category.  All weights and barbells must be shown in the video.  Every equipment measured must remain within the video at all times.

Movement Specifics:

  • Dumbbell Snatch:
    • The dumbbell snatch starts with both heads of the dumbbell on the ground.
    • The athlete must lift the dumbbell overhead in one motion. A clean and jerk is not allowed.
    • Touch-and-go is permitted. Bouncing the dumbbell is not allowed. 
    • Athletes must alternate arms after each repetition and may not alternate until a successful rep is achieved.
    • The athlete may not use the non-lifting hand or arm to assist by making contact with the legs or other parts of the body during the repetition.
    • At the top, the athlete’s arms, hips, and knees must be fully locked out, with the dumbbell clearly over the middle of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile.
    • The rep is credited once the athlete has reached lockout.
    • The athlete may choose to do a split snatch. However, both feet must return in line under the athlete’s body while the dumbbell is locked out overhead for the repetition to count.
    • Athletes may not receive any assistance in resetting the dumbbell.


  • Burpees Facing Over the Box
    • The burpee box jump-over starts with the athlete facing the box while touching their chest and thighs to the ground and finishes with the athlete jumping over the box.
    • In the bottom position, the center of the athlete’s chest must be on the line, and the feet and hands must be straddling the line.
    • Athletes may step or jump in and out of the push-up position. BURPEE BOX JUMP-OVER
    • Each rep is counted when the athlete lands on the ground on the opposite side of the box. From there, they may begin their next rep.
    • A two-foot takeoff is always required, and only the athlete’s feet may touch the box.
    • After landing on the box, the athlete may jump or step off to the other side.
    • Alternatively, the athlete may jump completely over the box
    • If jumping over the box, the feet must pass over the box, not around it, and the athlete must use a two-foot landing.
    • There is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. 



  • Deadlift:  


    • This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees.
    • Sumo deadlifts are not allowed.
    • Starting with the barbell on the floor, the athlete lifts the bar until the hips and knees reach full extension, and the head and shoulders are behind the bar.
    • The arms must be straight throughout.
    • No bouncing.
    • Two separate barbells may be used for deadlifting during the workout.
    • If one barbell is used, the athlete may receive assistance with changing the load.



  • Wall Ball Shot


    • In the wall-ball shot, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target
    • The rep is credited when the center of the ball hits the target at or above the specified target height
    • If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.”
    • If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep.
    • The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep.



  • Snatch 


      • The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one motion. Power, squat and split snatches are all permitted, but in each instance the athlete’s feet must be brought back in line. This is not a ground-to-overhead any way. A clean and jerk is a no rep. Touch and go is permitted but deliberately bouncing the barbell is not. The bar can be dropped from overhead. If a barbell is dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition.


  • Ring Pull Ups


    • The athlete must start each rep with their arms fully extended and their feet off the ground.
    • Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the other requirements are met.
    • The Chin must Clear Pass the lowest part of the Rings
    • Wrapping tape around the pull-up bar or wearing hand protection (gymnastics-style grips, gloves, etc.) is permitted, but taping the bar AND wearing hand protection is not.


  • Double Under
    • The rope passes under the feet twice for each jump.
    • The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
    • Only successful jumps are counted, not attempts. 


  • Ring Muscle Up
    • In the muscle-up, the athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the rings, with the arms fully extended (with or without a false grip) and the feet off the ground.
    • The heels may not rise above the height of the rings during the kip.
    • The elbows must be fully locked out while in the support position above the rings.
    • Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted.
    • If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required.



  • Thruster:  


    • This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. 
    • The bar starts on the ground. 
    • No racks allowed. 
    • The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. 
    • A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed when the bar is taken from the floor. 
    • If the barbell is dropped from overhead, it must settle on the ground before the athlete picks it up for the next repetition. 
    • The rep is credited when the barbell is locked out overhead, with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the athlete’s body.

Workout Breakdown:  

This is a for time workout.  At the 3, 2, 1, GO, the athlete who is standing above or near the medicine ball must perform the exact number of reps required before moving to the next movement.  Once the total number of reps are completed, only then can the athlete move to the next movement.  This is a two piece workout with a MANDATORY rest period once the first piece is completed.  The workout is for time, meaning the total minutes and seconds required with the rest period will be the score.  Once the total reps of the last movement of the second piece are completed, the camera must keep rolling to show the exact time.  The camera must ALWAYS have the athlete and the time in the frame of the video recording.  The timer must start @ 00:00.

Finals - Teenage Boys - Weightlifting

Workout Details

In a 15-minute Window Find the Total Max Weight for both Snatch and Clean n' Jerk. Athletes have three attempts for each movement. Athletes must start with Snatch and finish with Clean n' Jerk.

Workout Notes

Video Details:

The video starts with the competitor stating his/her first and last name along with the division they are competing in.  Once that is complete the competitor must measure all equipment noted.  All views of the camera are at a 45 degree angle to show complete movement and movement specifications.



With the Start of the video the athlete must have a SCALE available.  Every weight that will be placed on the barbell must be weighted along with the Barbell and CLEARLY shown in the video.  The athlete must ALSO weigh himself in the event of a tie break.

Movement Specifics:

  • Snatch 
    • The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one motion.
    • Power, squat and split snatches are all permitted, but in each instance the athlete’s feet must be brought back in line.
    • This is not a ground-to-overhead any way.
    • A clean and jerk is a no rep.
    • The bar can be dropped from overhead. 
    • If a barbell is dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition.
  • Clean and Jerk
    • Start each rep with the barbell on the ground.
    • No bouncing or dropping and catching the barbell on the rebound.
    • If dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the start of the next rep.
    • Power cleans, squat cleans, and split cleans are permitted.
    • Hang cleans are not allowed
    • The lift must have two distinct phases: the clean and the jerk.
    • Snatching is not permitted.
    • The barbell must make contact with the shoulders.
    • It is NOT necessary to lock out the hips and legs to complete the clean before lifting the bar overhead.
    • The rep is credited when: - The barbell is locked out overhead, and arms, hips, and legs are extended. - The bar is over or slightly behind the center of the body, with feet in line.
    • A press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all permitted as long as the required finish position is achieved.
    • Receiving any assistance other than adjusting loading is not permitted unless safety is an immediate concern.


 Workout Breakdown:  

This workout is for Max total weight lifted.  At the 3, 2, 1 GO, the athlete begins with an empty barbell and starts loading it.  Before EACH lift the athlete must state the exact weight on the barbell το the camera.  The athlete has three attempts for the Snatch and three for the Clean and Jerk.  From the Snatch to the Clean, the athlete must CLEAR the barbell and start with an empty barbell.  The time frame can be broken down as needed to complete the workout.  The score is the weight lifted and successfully held overhead of both movements in total (snatch weight + clean and jerk weight).

