- The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
- Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted.
- No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip.
- The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar.
- The rep is credited when: the athlete’s arms are fully locked out in the support position above the bar; and the athlete’s shoulders are over or slightly in front of the bar.
- Only the hands, and no other part of the arm, may touch the bar during the rep.
- Removing the hands in the support position is not allowed.
- At lockout, only the arms may support the athlete’s weight.
- The rope passes under the feet twice for each jump.
- The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
- Only successful jumps are counted, not attempts.
- Before starting, the handstand walk area must be marked in 3m segments.
- The lane will have three consecutive segments, allowing a 9m walk in one direction.
- Kick up with both hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) BEHIND the mark of the segment being attempted.
- Stepping over the line or landing with the hands on or over the line is a “no rep.”
- Must walk forward.
- Coming down from the hands at any time requires a restart from behind the last line successfully crossed.
- A rep is credited when both hands, including palms and fingers, cross the line before the feet touch the ground.
- Each 3m section will count as 1 rep.
- Must handstand walk across the line. Jumping both hands over the line to finish a section is not allowed
- Start each rep with the barbell on the ground. Collars must be placed outside the plates.
- Power cleans, squat cleans, and split cleans are permitted.
- The lift must have two distinct phases: the clean and the jerk.
- Snatching is not permitted.
- The barbell must make contact with the shoulders.
- It is NOT necessary to lock out the hips and legs to complete the clean before lifting the bar overhead.
- The rep is credited when:
- The barbell is locked out overhead, and arms, hips, and legs are extended.
- The bar is over or slightly behind the center of the body, with feet in line.
- A press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all permitted as long as the required finish position is achieved.
- The bar rests on the athlete’s shoulders in the front-rack position.
- Any grip is permitted.
- The athlete’s hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position.
- The rep is credited when:
- The athlete’s hips and knees are fully extended.
- The bar is resting on the athlete’s shoulders with the bar in the front-rack position.
- The athlete’s feet are in line with one another when the athlete is viewed from profile.
- The Barbell must be at the shoulders to begin the shoulder-to-overhead.
- A press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all permitted as long as the finish position is achieved.
- The rep is credited when the barbell is locked out overhead.
- The arms, hips, and legs must be extended.
- The center of the barbell must be over or slightly behind the center of the athlete’s body, with the feet in line.
The workout consists in 2 Parts, performing in a total time of 13 minutes.
Workout A
- The first part, A Workout consist in 4 Rounds of 5 Bar Muscle Ups, 30 Double Unders and 9 meters Hand Stand Walk.
- Athletes have to stay in the line and when the time starts, they have to start performing 5 Bar Muscle Ups, then have to take the rope and perform 30 Double Unders.
- After Double Unders, athlete have to start hand stand walking for a distance of 9 meters, divided in 3 block by 3 meter each block.
- Athletes must go forward to complete all the distance of 9 meter.
- Coming down from the hands at any time requires a restart from behind the last line successfully crossed.
- After performing 9 m Hand Stand Walk, athletes have to come back, walking or running, at the rack, to go on with the second round of workout, starting from 5 Bar Muscle Ups.
- Athletes have to perform 4 Rounds in a total time of 7 minutes.
- The score is the time that athlete finish 9 meters of Hand Stand Walk of fourth round and running to the finish line.
- If athlete doesn’t finish the rounds in the window time, the score have to be total reps performing in 7 minutes time.
- Only reps, that have been fully completed within the workout window, will be counted as rep
Workout B
- The athletes that finish A Workout, before Time Cap of 7 minutes, have to rest until the times go to minute 7.
- For all the athletes, at 7 minutes start the time for establish Max Weight of Complex
- The time cap for establishing max of complex is 6 minutes.
- The barbells at every heat will be at a minimum weight that every athlete have to perform the complex before increasing the weight of the barbell.
- The athletes have the choice to increase the weight after every attempt
- The athletes have the choice to decrease the weight of barbell after every failing attempt.
- There is no limit number for attempting
- Athletes have the right to stop attempting anytime within 6 minutes.
- Any successful attempt where the bar leaves the ground before the 6-minute time cap will count.